Wednesday 24 March 2010

Response to Irfans blog ond stealing
I agree woth Irfans blog entry, he highlights that there is a difference through stealing for want and stealing for need. he states that the consequence of stealing for people who are in diar need shud be smaller than a perosn who steals for the sake of it. Everyone can steal if the want but some people do not have a chpice as it can be the difference between life and death.


Stealing is obviously a bad thing to do, not only against the law but its a cruel thing to do to someone. People often steal to better themselves, as we live in a materialistic society there is always something one will try to get. Although stealing is clearly bad in some cases it may be ok to do but only in cases of life and death. If someone is going to starve or suffer a great deal stealing in some cases is acceptable but this is arguable.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Response to Chloe's blog on drugs
Chloe talks about the severity of drug dealing rather than the severity of drug dealing. She states and asks what really is wrong. The dealing or the using of the drugs and argues that society has different views on drugs and brand some as minor and others as more majorly 'bad' drugs. I agree with her point that all drugs are equally bad regardless of being grade A,B OR C.


Drugs are a substance that have been around all the time, the dealing of drugs is now a global business in which money is very easy to make. although drugs wreck a persons life, often through experimenting people get ddicted to drugs other reasons for addiction are to relieve a person of stress and make people forget about problems for a bit. i personally dont like drugs and think that they are a pointless thing to take as they wreck peoples lives and families.

Monday 22 March 2010

Response to Waqars post on stalking
Waqar shares a very similar opinion to mine, he argues that stalking is wrong in many ways but also highlights that stalking is done by people for certain reasons sometimes because of crime. He clearly states that is a sick hing to do.


Stalking is a very bad thing to do, not only is it illegal it is also disturbing, idiotic and stupid. although people who stalk oftenhave a reason, like on tv stalkers often have a justifiable reason, often private investigators stalk a person to collect information, in these circumstances it is ok. although a perverted stalker makes stalking a no go area and a very bad thing to do.

Friday 19 March 2010

Response to Cassandras post on smoking
Cascandras post is very similar to mine, she highlights that we need to lie in some situations and uses a prime example, she highlights that lying can help to maintain relationships in many cases this is true as sometimes telling a lie can save someone from hurting a persons feelings.


Everyone has their opinion on lying, nearly everyone lies, its one of the most common things around. in my opinion lying is bad. Although lying is still bad whether or not you have lied with good intentions, but sometimes you need to tell a lie to avoid spilling secrets or to avoid telling more lies.
“Lying is probably one of the most common wrong acts that we carry out (one researcher has said 'lying is an unavoidable part of human nature'), so it's worth spending time thinking about it.Most people would say that lying is always wrong, except when there's a good reason for it - which means that it's not always wrong!”

Tuesday 16 March 2010

response to Attas post on smoking
Atta expresses similar views on smoking to myself, he states that the young do it to be cool and also is unable to think how people fail to think about the health implications as well as physical problems it gives a smoker. He states that it is common because of its 'coolness'. I think that smoking carries a range of stigmas many attached from films. Many films show smoking as cool, such as gangster films, famous 007 films where the actors roles are seen as ‘great’ this makes smoking looks cool as the bad characters are seen as smoking whilst doing something bad this adds a different view on it and presents reason for smoking which most people will not admit to.


Smoking today is a generally acceptable thing to do. An array of people smoke today and see it as a normal thing to take part in. smoking can be seen as cool and bad in certain ways, often through media interpretation, rebellion of certain age groups, government statistics and also changes in the law. Smoking in today’s society can be seen as a social thing although this view is shared mostly by those who smoke, it is an activity that carries a range of stigmas, both good and bad.

Thursday 18 February 2010